Geoff Greene Featured in Scientific American Neutron Mystery Article, Video
How a neutron’s life ends is not a mystery to physicists. Exactly when that happens, however, is a much trickier puzzle to solve. Continue Reading →
Broadening the Bilayer
Lipid molecules have split personalities—one part loves water, whereas the other avoids it at all costs. Lipids make up cell membranes, the frontline defense in preventing cellular access to bacterial and viral invaders. Many researchers believe that the membrane is not just a scaffold where proteins reside, but instead actually plays an important role in… Continue Reading →
Metallic Glass Research Nets Breakthroughs, Yale Honor for Egami
The phrase “metallic glass” may sound like an oxymoron, but the substance is very real, though underutilized. That could soon change. EgamiResearch being done by professors like UT’s Takeshi Egami has shown the potential of metallic glass, but it took a recent move to the substance by a tech heavyweight to really open up its… Continue Reading →
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